viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

Keep it real

Dare to be you. Stop playing Simon says, fuck Simon.
They want you to be THIS way, but, do you?
Well in one hand it's a good way to skip the discriminating looks and melt into the mass. Yeah, that grey pack that's always looking for traitors to its way of life so as to point them and backbite.

But in the other, going that way may kill your true nature.
Time to choose, that's what life's all about, head or tails.

Recommended choice: Fuck Simon and fuck the sheeps.
Getting rid of your baggy teared trousers won't make you mellow, having the guts to be you, will.
Hint: Keep those pants for the next Wolfmother concert!

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

I believe that love is gonna last forever and it's all within my mind

And here I am, alone in the dark, waiting for you, as every night.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009


Where the fuck are we going bros, is this the right way? I really think so, but hate concerning about that. Just live, taste, enjoy and then we'll see what happens. Spoiler: It's gonna rock. Btw, was talkin' bout life itself.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009


Tyler Durden: Where'd you go, psycho boy?
I felt like destroying something beautiful.

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009


Don't say it if u don't mean it, rly, u don't haf d right 2 spell whateva comz outa ur fukin mouth, lotsa words should b forbidden 4 u cuz due 2 d freely usage of thez wordz they'r loosin their true meanin, so nxt time plz just shut da fuk up! It takes one to know one, and so it goes. Anyways, thanks for your bloom, see you in Stockholm (K).