jueves, 14 de enero de 2010

Flight delayed

I love airports, once you've crosssed the security control, you are a citizen of nowhere, just a single inhabitant of this wide world, it's so cool to feel that, no borders, no limits. I like sitting and examining all the people, wondering, guessing where are they from, where will they go, what's their life like, their story. Now my flight is late, so got 1 hour to feed my curiosity. I am in the Vip lounge, lying on my couch, examining all these rich people while I take a long slow sip of my little can of coke, yeah that's the other great thing about flying, the little cans of coke, so beautiful and compact, and their taste is much better. There is this special moment when u open it and hear the bubbles sparkling as you pour it in the glass, if u look close u can even see them jumping, trying to escape from the cold translucid walls, doing their last effort to survive your thirst, but only a few can manage, the rest are condemned by your pursuit of happiness. You taste it, feel that flavour that can only be described as the shout of the youth claiming for freedom in a parade for peace, it goes down your throat to clear it and fill your chest with joy, and then, as a gift, a tear shows up, reminding you how alive your are, finally, your soul takes part into this requiem and exhales a last breath which sounds like Aahh, revealing your true nature to the world for a moment, invincible, a child of the stars. Orgasmic.Damn, coca-cola should pay me for this free advertising! Anyways, let's get back to the point and leave apart my coke adiction. Ok so here I was, in this Vip lounge, examining all this people, all the businessmen going from one side to another, tied to their cellphones and suitcases, getting some and then more whiskey, they look anxious for keeping alive a body whose soul is dying, freaks of capitalism, workaholics. (maybe I invented this last word but sounds cool to me). And then there is this old posh spanish woman in front of me, as I came she gave me a look like saying, you don't belong here hobo, go back to your dungeon, so I thought, ok, common old cold biatch that sucks money from everyone around, but now she's speaking with her cellphone in chinese and , her expressions are so nice and friendly, she looks so human..., she took her disguise off during that conversation. Nice move lady, now I regret having prejudged you, but in my defense I'll say that you started it. There's not many more to say about this lounge, next time I'll wait in the common areas, where there's more going on, all these little kids running from one side to another, with their moms chasing after them yelling in every possible language, this old couple who keeps discovering life, bonded and guided by a fire that still burns like hell, and all those other interesting stories.

Strange post huh? I know my narration sucks, sorry about that, but my brain is complicated, and I don't have that much time for this, well I do, but procastination wins.

Bye bye Madrid, time has come for Baron Pils.

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