jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

Don't mind the sign

Let's do it, take a risk, don't mind the gap, expose yourself, try, fail, try again, live. Cause life's not grey, it's white or black. No pain no gain they say. It's so sad to see those who inhabit the planet just because there's nothing else to do, their heart stopped beating years ago, when their guitar was hung forever, but they keep breathing, bottled in those traffic jams, cinema every Friday, planning every move, not assuming any risk, not exposing to any damage.

Roses will stop rising when the last verse is written, hope is missed, and that last tear is hold back. Hope I keep falling and learning my whole life, hope I die laughing, knowing that I lived.

So many things to do, so less time, and I wasted the whole morning crawling in my bed. Dammit!

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